Last week on the way home from school we saw some lovely looking blackberries.. so we spent a few minutes picking some. After getting home and washing them we got to taste them and they tasted lovely. Even better because they are free! A also had some for her lunch box the next day. She really enjoyed picking them so we stop for more every few days. There seems to be a lot of berries and I never notice anyone else picking them.
We also have red currants growing in our garden, its a massive bush as well. We never really do anything with it but this year I've picked a load and working through freezing them. They are really nice in my morning porridge, actually its really nice just to grab a small handful and eat them straight from the freezer!
My parents are currently on holiday so whilst they are away I am watering their greenhouse and they said to help myself to any ripening tomatoes!
I'm definitely going to be on the lookout for more free fruit on my travels.