Sunday, 16 February 2014

MSE - 52 Week Challenge

I discovered the 52 Week challenge on the Money Saving Expert forums (MSE) back last August.

The idea is to save money each week, starting at £1 and increasing it by another £1 every week.

For example:
Week 1 - save £1   (total £1)
Week 2 - save £2   (total £3)
Week 3 - save £3   (total £6)

and so on till you get to

Week 52 - save £52 (total £1378)

Well I found the first weeks really easy but now I'm up to week 27 its getting harder so I am having to really look at where I am spending money and also trying to make some extra money so I can continue with this challenge. It does make it worth while when I look at my bank account and see that I have saved £378 (plus interest!) I'm just using an old savings account that I wasn't using for anything, the interest rate isn't great at around 1% but its better than the money being sat in a money box!

If you feel like having a go at the 52 week challenge sign up on MSE, there is plenty of support on the forum as well as lots of other money saving / making challenges!

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